A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


quadrilateral - org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.PolygonKind
QUAL_10100 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3010100:
QUAL_10101 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3010101: To conform to Version 1 of the Qualitative Models package specification for SBML Level 3, an SBML document must declare the use of the following XML Namespace: 'http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/qual/version1' Reference: L3V1 Qual V1 Section 3.1
QUAL_10102 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3010102: Wherever they appear in an SBML document, elements and attributes from the Qualitative Models package must be declared either implicitly or explicitly to be in the XML namespace 'http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/qual/version1' Reference: L3V1 Qual V1 Section 3.1
QUAL_10201 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3010201: The MathML <math> element in a <functionTerm> object should evaluate to a value of type Boolean.
QUAL_10202 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3010202: The MathML <math> element in a <functionTerm> object should not use the <csymbol> elements 'time' and 'delay' as these explicitly introduce time into the model.
QUAL_10301 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3010301: (Extends validation rule #10301 in the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Core specification.)
QUAL_20101 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020101: In all SBML documents using the Qualitative Models package, the SBML object must include a value for the attribute 'qual:required' attribute.
QUAL_20102 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020102: The value of attribute 'qual:required' on the SBML object must be of the data type Boolean.
QUAL_20103 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020103: The value of attribute 'qual:required' on the SBML object must be set to 'true' if if the model contains any <transition> objects.
QUAL_20201 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020201: There may be at most one instance of each of the following kinds of objects within a <model> object using Qualitative Models: <listOfTransitions> and <listOfQualitativeSpecies>.
QUAL_20202 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020202: The various ListOf subobjects with a <model> object are optional, but if present, these container object must not be empty.
QUAL_20203 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020203: Apart from the general notes and annotation subobjects permitted on all SBML objects, a <listOfTransitions> container object may only contain <transition> objects.
QUAL_20204 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020204: Apart from the general notes and annotation subobjects permitted on all SBML objects, a <listOfQualitativeSpecies> container object may only contain <qualitativeSpecies> objects.
QUAL_20205 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020205: A <listOfQualitativeSpecies> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20206 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020206: A <listOfTransitions> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20301 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020301: A <qualitativeSpecies> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20302 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020302: A <qualitativeSpecies> object may have the optional SBML Level 3 Core subobjects for notes and annotations.
QUAL_20303 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020303: A <qualitativeSpecies> object must have the required attributes 'qual:id', 'qual:compartment' and 'qual:constant', and may have the optional attributes 'qual:name', 'qual:initialLevel' and 'qual:maxLevel'.
QUAL_20304 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020304: The attribute 'qual:constant' in <qualitativeSpecies> must be of the data type Boolean.
QUAL_20305 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020305: The attribute 'qual:name' in <qualitativeSpecies> must be of the data type string.
QUAL_20306 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020306: The attribute 'qual:initialLevel' in <qualitativeSpecies> must be of the data type integer.
QUAL_20307 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020307: The attribute 'qual:maxLevel' in <qualitativeSpecies> must be of the data type integer.
QUAL_20308 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020308: The value of the attribute 'qual:compartment' in a <qualitativeSpecies> object must be the identifier of an existing <compartment> object defined in the enclosing <model> object.
QUAL_20309 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020309: The value of the attribute 'qual:initialLevel' in a <qualitativeSpecies> object cannot be greater than the value of the 'qual:maxLevel' attribute for the given <qualitativeSpecies> object.
QUAL_20310 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020310: A <qualitativeSpecies> with attribute 'qual:constant' set to 'true' can only be referred to by an <input>.
QUAL_20311 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020311: A <qualitativeSpecies> that is referenced by an <output> with the 'qual:transitionEffect' attribute set to 'assignmentLevel' should not be referenced by any other <output> with the same 'transitionEffect' throughout the set of transitions for the containing model.
QUAL_20312 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020312: The attribute 'qual:initialLevel' in <qualitativeSpecies> must not be negative.
QUAL_20313 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020313: The attribute 'qual:maxLevel' in <qualitativeSpecies> must not be negative.
QUAL_20401 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020401: A <transition> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20402 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020402: A <transition> object may have the optional SBML Level 3 Core subobjects for notes and annotations.
QUAL_20403 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020403: A <transition> object may have the optional attributes 'qual:name' and 'qual:id'.
QUAL_20404 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020404: The attribute 'qual:name' in <transition> must be of the data type string.
QUAL_20405 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020405: A <transition> must have one and only one instance of the <listOfFunctionTerms> objects and may have at most one instance of the <listOfInputs> and <listOfOutputs> objects from the Qualitative Models namespace.
QUAL_20406 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020406: The <listOfInputs> and <listOfOutputs> subobjects on a <transition> object are optional, but if present, these container object must not be empty.
QUAL_20407 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020407: Apart from the general notes and annotation subobjects permitted on all SBML objects, a <listOfInputs> container object may only contain <input> objects.
QUAL_20408 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020408: Apart from the general notes and annotation subobjects permitted on all SBML objects, a <listOfOutputs> container object may only contain <output> objects.
QUAL_20409 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020409: Apart from the general notes and annotation subobjects permitted on all SBML objects, a <listOfFunctionTerms> container object must contain one and only one <defaultTerm> object and then may only contain <functionTerm> objects.
QUAL_20410 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020410: A <listOfInputs> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20411 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020411: A <listOfOutputs> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20412 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020412: A <listOfFunctionTerms> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20413 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020413: No element of the <listOfFunctionTerms> object may cause the level of a <qualitativeSpecies> to exceed the value 'qual:maxLevel' attribute.
QUAL_20414 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020414: No element of the <listOfFunctionTerms> object may cause the level of a <qualitativeSpecies> to become negative.
QUAL_20501 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020501: An <input> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20502 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020502: An <input> object may have the optional SBML Level 3 Core subobjects for notes and annotations.
QUAL_20503 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020503: An <input> object must have the required attributes 'qual:qualitativeSpecies' as well as 'qual:transitionEffect' and may have the optional attributes 'qual:id', 'qual:name', 'qual:sign' and 'qual:thresholdLevel'.
QUAL_20504 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020504: The attribute 'qual:name' in <input> must be of the data type string.
QUAL_20505 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020505: The value of the attribute 'qual:sign' of an <input> object must conform to the syntax of the SBML data type 'sign' and may only take on the allowed values of 'sign' defined in SBML; that is, the value must be one of the following: 'positive', 'negative', 'dual' or 'unknown'.
QUAL_20506 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020506: The value of the attribute 'qual:transitionEffect' of an <input> object must conform to the syntax of the SBML data type 'transitionInputEffect' and may only take on the allowed values of 'transitionInputEffect' defined in SBML; that is, the value must be one of the following: 'none' or 'consumption'.
QUAL_20507 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020507: The attribute 'qual:thresholdLevel' in <input> must be of the data type 'integer'.
QUAL_20508 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020508: The value of the attribute 'qual:qualitativeSpecies' in an <input> object must be the identifier of an existing <qualitativeSpecies> object defined in the enclosing <model> object.
QUAL_20509 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020509: An <input> that refers to a <qualitativeSpecies> that has a 'qual:constant' attribute set to 'true' cannot have the attribute 'qual:transitionEffect' set to 'consumption'.
QUAL_20510 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020510: The attribute 'qual:thresholdLevel' in <input> must not be negative.
QUAL_20601 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020601: An <output> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20602 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020602: An <output> object may have the optional SBML Level 3 Core subobjects for notes and annotations.
QUAL_20603 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020603: An <output> object must have the required attributes 'qual:qualitativeSpecies' as well as 'qual:transitionEffect' and may have the optional attributes 'qual:id', 'qual:name' and 'qual:outputLevel'.
QUAL_20604 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020604: The attribute 'qual:name' in <output> must be of the data type string.
QUAL_20605 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020605: The value of the attribute 'qual:transitionEffect' of an <output> object must conform to the syntax of the SBML data type 'transitionOutputEffect' and may only take on the allowed values of 'transitionOutputEffect' defined in SBML; that is, the value must be one of the following: 'production' or 'assignmentLevel'.
QUAL_20606 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020606: The attribute 'qual:outputLevel' in <output> must be of the data type 'integer'.
QUAL_20607 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020607: The value of the attribute 'qual:qualitativeSpecies' in an <output> object must be the identifier of an existing <qualitativeSpecies> object defined in the enclosing <model> object.
QUAL_20608 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020608: The <qualitativeSpecies> referred to by the attribute 'qual:qualitativeSpecies' in an <output> object must have the value of its 'qual:constant' attribute set to 'false'.
QUAL_20609 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020609: When the value of the attribute 'qual:transitionEffect' of an <output> object is set to the value 'production' the attribute 'qual:outputLevel' for that particular <output> object must have a value set.
QUAL_20610 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020610: The attribute 'qual:outputLevel' in <output> must not be negative.
QUAL_20701 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020701: A <defaultTerm> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20702 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020702: A <defaultTerm> object may have the optional SBML Level 3 Core subobjects for notes and annotations.
QUAL_20703 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020703: A <defaultTerm> object must have the required attributes 'qual:resultLevel'.
QUAL_20704 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020704: The attribute 'qual:resultLevel' in <defaultTerm> must be of the data type 'integer'.
QUAL_20705 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020705: The attribute 'qual:resultLevel' in <defaultTerm> must not be negative.
QUAL_20801 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020801: A <functionTerm> object may have the optional 'metaid' and 'sboTerm' defined by SBML Level 3 Core.
QUAL_20802 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020802: A <functionTerm> object may have the optional SBML Level 3 Core subobjects for notes and annotations.
QUAL_20803 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020803: A <functionTerm> object must have the required attributes 'qual:resultLevel'.
QUAL_20804 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020804: A <functionTerm> object may contain exactly one MathML <math> element.
QUAL_20805 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020805: The attribute 'qual:resultLevel' in <functionTerm> must be of the data type 'integer'.
QUAL_20806 - Static variable in interface org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.factory.SBMLErrorCodes
Error code 3020806: The attribute 'qual:resultLevel' in <functionTerm> must not be negative.
QualConstants - Class in org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual
Contains some constants related to the qual package.
QualConstants(QualConstants) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualConstants
Constructs a new PropertyChangeEvent, cloned from the given qualChangeEvent.
QualConstants(SBase, String, Object, Object) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualConstants
Constructs a new PropertyChangeEvent.
qualifier - Static variable in class org.sbml.jsbml.util.TreeNodeChangeEvent
QUALIFIER_BVAR - org.sbml.jsbml.ASTNode.Type
QUALIFIER_DEGREE - org.sbml.jsbml.ASTNode.Type
QUALIFIER_LOGBASE - org.sbml.jsbml.ASTNode.Type
QualitativeModel - Class in org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual
use QualModelPlugin instead.
QualitativeModel(QualModelPlugin) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualitativeModel
use QualModelPlugin instead.
QualitativeModel(Model) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualitativeModel
use QualModelPlugin instead.
qualitativeSpecies - Static variable in class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualConstants
QualitativeSpecies - Class in org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual
Similarly to the Species in SBML, the components of qualitative models refer to pools of entities that are considered indistinguishable and are each located in a specific Compartment.
QualitativeSpecies() - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualitativeSpecies
Creates a new QualitativeSpecies instance.
QualitativeSpecies(int, int) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualitativeSpecies
Creates a new QualitativeSpecies instance.
QualitativeSpecies(String) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualitativeSpecies
Creates a new QualitativeSpecies instance.
QualitativeSpecies(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualitativeSpecies
Creates a new QualitativeSpecies instance.
QualitativeSpecies(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualitativeSpecies
Creates a new QualitativeSpecies instance.
QualitativeSpecies(QualitativeSpecies) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualitativeSpecies
Creates a new QualitativeSpecies instance.
QualitativeSpecies(Species) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualitativeSpecies
Creates a new QualitativeSpecies instance.
QualitativeSpeciesConstraints - Class in org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.constraints
Defines validation rules (as ValidationFunction instances) for the QualitativeSpecies class.
QualitativeSpeciesConstraints() - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.constraints.QualitativeSpeciesConstraints
QualList - Enum in org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual
QualModelPlugin - Class in org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual
The QualModelPlugin adds two lists, one for holding QualitativeSpecies and the other for holding Transitions.
QualModelPlugin(QualModelPlugin) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualModelPlugin
Clone constructor
QualModelPlugin(Model) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.qual.QualModelPlugin
Creates a new QualModelPlugin instance
QualModelPluginConstraints - Class in org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.constraints
Defines validation rules (as ValidationFunction instances) for the QualModelPlugin class.
QualModelPluginConstraints() - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.validator.offline.constraints.QualModelPluginConstraints
QualParser - Class in org.sbml.jsbml.xml.parsers
This class is used to parse the qual extension package elements and attributes.
QualParser() - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.xml.parsers.QualParser
Quantity - Interface in org.sbml.jsbml
A quantity is an element that represents a value with an associated unit that can be addressed through the identifier or name attribute of this element.
QuantityWithUnit - Class in org.sbml.jsbml
This object represents an element with identifier and name, a value, and a defined unit.
QuantityWithUnit() - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.QuantityWithUnit
QuantityWithUnit(int, int) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.QuantityWithUnit
QuantityWithUnit(String) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.QuantityWithUnit
QuantityWithUnit(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.QuantityWithUnit
QuantityWithUnit(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.QuantityWithUnit
QuantityWithUnit(QuantityWithUnit) - Constructor for class org.sbml.jsbml.QuantityWithUnit
quotient(List<ASTNode>) - Method in class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.arrays.compiler.ArraysCompiler
quotient(List<ASTNode>) - Method in class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.arrays.compiler.StaticallyComputableCompiler
quotient(List<ASTNode>) - Method in class org.sbml.jsbml.ext.arrays.compiler.VectorCompiler
quotient(List<ASTNode>) - Method in interface org.sbml.jsbml.util.compilers.ASTNodeCompiler
Returns the quotient of the division of the values.
quotient(List<ASTNode>) - Method in class org.sbml.jsbml.util.compilers.FindUnitsCompiler
quotient(List<ASTNode>) - Method in class org.sbml.jsbml.util.compilers.FormulaCompiler
quotient(List<ASTNode>) - Method in class org.sbml.jsbml.util.compilers.LaTeXCompiler
quotient(List<ASTNode>) - Method in class org.sbml.jsbml.util.compilers.MathMLCompiler
quotient(List<ASTNode>) - Method in class org.sbml.jsbml.util.compilers.UnitsCompiler
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Generated at January 5 2022
Version 1.6.1-SNAPSHOT Revision ed2d2b5c6574a3d1769c1e26e09e14e700d571fa