C++ library for working with the COMBINE Archive format
No Matches
CaListOfCrossRefs Class Reference

@sbmlbrief{combine} TODO:Definition of the CaListOfCrossRefs class. More...

#include <CaListOfCrossRefs.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for CaListOfCrossRefs:

Public Member Functions

 CaListOfCrossRefs ()
 Creates a new CaListOfCrossRefs instance. More...
 CaListOfCrossRefs (CaNamespaces *omexns)
 Creates a new CaListOfCrossRefs using the given CaNamespaces object omexns. More...
 CaListOfCrossRefs (const CaListOfCrossRefs &orig)
 Copy constructor for CaListOfCrossRefs. More...
CaListOfCrossRefsoperator= (const CaListOfCrossRefs &rhs)
 Assignment operator for CaListOfCrossRefs. More...
virtual CaListOfCrossRefsclone () const
 Creates and returns a deep copy of this CaListOfCrossRefs object. More...
virtual ~CaListOfCrossRefs ()
 Destructor for CaListOfCrossRefs. More...
virtual CaCrossRefget (unsigned int n)
 Get a CaCrossRef from the CaListOfCrossRefs. More...
virtual const CaCrossRefget (unsigned int n) const
 Get a CaCrossRef from the CaListOfCrossRefs. More...
virtual CaCrossRefget (const std::string &sid)
 Get a CaCrossRef from the CaListOfCrossRefs based on its identifier. More...
virtual const CaCrossRefget (const std::string &sid) const
 Get a CaCrossRef from the CaListOfCrossRefs based on its identifier. More...
virtual CaCrossRefremove (unsigned int n)
 Removes the nth CaCrossRef from this CaListOfCrossRefs and returns a pointer to it. More...
virtual CaCrossRefremove (const std::string &sid)
 Removes the CaCrossRef from this CaListOfCrossRefs based on its identifier and returns a pointer to it. More...
int addCrossRef (const CaCrossRef *ccr)
 Adds a copy of the given CaCrossRef to this CaListOfCrossRefs. More...
unsigned int getNumCrossRefs () const
 Get the number of CaCrossRef objects in this CaListOfCrossRefs. More...
CaCrossRefcreateCrossRef ()
 Creates a new CaCrossRef object, adds it to this CaListOfCrossRefs object and returns the CaCrossRef object created. More...
virtual const std::string & getElementName () const
 Returns the XML element name of this CaListOfCrossRefs object. More...
virtual int getTypeCode () const
 Returns the libCombine type code for this CaListOfCrossRefs object. More...
virtual int getItemTypeCode () const
 Returns the libOMEX type code for the OMEX objects contained in this CaListOfCrossRefs object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CaListOf
 CaListOf (unsigned int level=OMEX_DEFAULT_LEVEL, unsigned int version=OMEX_DEFAULT_VERSION)
 Creates a new CaListOf object. More...
 CaListOf (CaNamespaces *omexns)
 Creates a new CaListOf with a given CaNamespaces object. More...
virtual ~CaListOf ()
 Destroys this CaListOf and the items inside it. More...
 CaListOf (const CaListOf &orig)
 Copy constructor; creates a copy of this CaListOf. More...
CaListOfoperator= (const CaListOf &rhs)
 Assignment operator for CaListOf. More...
virtual CaListOfclone () const
 Creates and returns a deep copy of this CaListOf object. More...
int append (const CaBase *item)
 Adds an item to the end of this CaListOf's list of items. More...
int appendAndOwn (CaBase *disownedItem)
 Adds an item to the end of this CaListOf's list of items. More...
virtual int appendFrom (const CaListOf *list)
 Adds a clone of a list of items to this CaListOf's list. More...
int insert (int location, const CaBase *item)
 Inserts an item at a given position in this CaListOf's list of items. More...
int insertAndOwn (int location, CaBase *disownedItem)
 Inserts an item at a given position in this CaListOf's list of items. More...
virtual const CaBaseget (unsigned int n) const
 Get an item from the list. More...
virtual CaBaseget (unsigned int n)
 Get an item from the list. More...
virtual CaBasegetElementBySId (const std::string &id)
 Returns the first child element it can find with a specific "id" attribute value, or NULL if no such object is found. More...
virtual CaBasegetElementByMetaId (const std::string &metaid)
 Returns the first child element found with the given meta-identifier. More...
virtual List * getAllElements ()
 Returns a List of all child CaBase objects. More...
void clear (bool doDelete=true)
 Removes all items in this CaListOf object. More...
virtual int removeFromParentAndDelete ()
 Removes all items in this CaListOf object and deletes its properties too. More...
virtual CaBaseremove (unsigned int n)
 Removes the nth item from this CaListOf list of items and returns it. More...
unsigned int size () const
 Returns number of items in this CaListOf list. More...
virtual int getTypeCode () const
 Returns the libCombine type code for this object, namely, @omexconstant{OMEX_LIST_OF, CaTypeCode_t}. More...
virtual int getItemTypeCode () const
 Get the type code of the objects contained in this CaListOf. More...
virtual const std::string & getElementName () const
 Returns the XML element name of this object, which for CaListOf, is always "listOf". More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CaBase
virtual ~CaBase ()
 Destroys this object. More...
CaBaseoperator= (const CaBase &rhs)
 Assignment operator for CaBase. More...
virtual CaBaseclone () const =0
 Creates and returns a deep copy of this CaBase object. More...
virtual CaBasegetElementBySId (const std::string &id)
 Returns the first child element it can find with a specific "id" attribute value, or NULL if no such object is found. More...
virtual const CaBasegetElementBySId (const std::string &metaid) const
 Returns the first child element it can find with a specific "id" attribute value, or NULL if no such object is found. More...
virtual CaBasegetElementByMetaId (const std::string &metaid)
 Returns the first child element it can find with a specific "metaid" attribute value, or NULL if no such object is found. More...
virtual const CaBasegetElementByMetaId (const std::string &metaid) const
 Returns the first child element it can find with a specific "metaid" attribute value, or NULL if no such object is found. More...
virtual List * getAllElements ()
 Returns a List of all child CaBase objects, including those nested to an arbitrary depth. More...
const std::string & getMetaId () const
 Returns the value of the "metaid" attribute of this object. More...
std::string & getMetaId ()
 Returns the value of the "metaid" attribute of this object. More...
virtual const std::string & getId () const
 Returns the content of the "notes" subelement of this object as a tree of XMLNode objects. More...
 Returns the content of the "notes" subelement of this object as a tree of XMLNode objects. More...
std::string getNotesString ()
 Returns the content of the "notes" subelement of this object as a string. More...
std::string getNotesString () const
 Returns the content of the "notes" subelement of this object as a string. More...
 Returns the content of the "annotation" subelement of this object as a tree of XMLNode objects. More...
const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLNode * getAnnotation () const
 Returns the content of the "annotation" subelement of this object as a tree of XMLNode objects. More...
std::string getAnnotationString ()
 Returns the content of the "annotation" subelement of this object as a character string. More...
std::string getAnnotationString () const
 Returns the content of the "annotation" subelement of this object as a character string. More...
virtual const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLNamespaces * getNamespaces () const
 Returns a list of the XML Namespaces declared on the OMEX document owning this object. More...
virtual LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLNamespaces * getNamespaces ()
 Returns a list of the XML Namespaces declared on the OMEX document owning this object. More...
const CaOmexManifestgetCaOmexManifest () const
 Returns the CaOmexManifest object containing this object instance. More...
CaOmexManifestgetCaOmexManifest ()
 Returns the CaOmexManifest object containing this object instance. More...
CaBasegetParentCaObject ()
 Returns the parent OMEX object containing this object. More...
const CaBasegetParentCaObject () const
 Returns the parent OMEX object containing this object. More...
CaBasegetAncestorOfType (int type)
 Returns the first ancestor object that has the given OMEX type code. More...
const CaBasegetAncestorOfType (int type) const
 Returns the first ancestor object that has the given OMEX type code. More...
unsigned int getLine () const
 Returns the line number on which this object first appears in the XML representation of the OMEX document, or '0' if the object was created, not read from a file. More...
unsigned int getColumn () const
 Returns the column number on which this object first appears in the XML representation of the OMEX document, or '0' if the object was created, not read from a file. More...
bool isSetMetaId () const
 Predicate returning true if this object's "metaid" attribute is set. More...
virtual bool isSetId () const
 Predicate returning true if this object's "id" attribute is set. More...
bool isSetNotes () const
 Predicate returning true if this object's "notes" subelement exists and has content. More...
bool isSetAnnotation () const
 Predicate returning true if this object's "annotation" subelement exists and has content. More...
int setMetaId (const std::string &metaid)
 Sets the value of the meta-identifier attribute of this object. More...
virtual int setId (const std::string &sid)
 Sets the value of the "id" attribute of this OMEX object. More...
virtual int setAnnotation (LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLNode *annotation)
 Sets the value of the "annotation" subelement of this OMEX object. More...
virtual int setAnnotation (const std::string &annotation)
 Sets the value of the "annotation" subelement of this OMEX object. More...
virtual int appendAnnotation (const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLNode *annotation)
 Appends the given annotation to the "annotation" subelement of this object. More...
virtual int appendAnnotation (const std::string &annotation)
 Appends the given annotation to the "annotation" subelement of this object. More...
int removeTopLevelAnnotationElement (const std::string elementName, const std::string elementURI="")
 Removes the top-level element within the "annotation" subelement of this OMEX object with the given name and optional URI. More...
int replaceTopLevelAnnotationElement (const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLNode *annotation)
 Replaces the given top-level element within the "annotation" subelement of this OMEX object and with the annotation element supplied. More...
int replaceTopLevelAnnotationElement (const std::string &annotation)
 Replaces the given top-level element within the "annotation" subelement of this OMEX object and with the annotation element supplied. More...
int setNotes (const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLNode *notes)
 Sets the value of the "notes" subelement of this OMEX object. More...
int setNotes (const std::string &notes, bool addXHTMLMarkup=false)
 Sets the value of the "notes" subelement of this OMEX object to a copy of the string notes. More...
int appendNotes (const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLNode *notes)
 Appends the given notes to the "notes" subelement of this object. More...
int appendNotes (const std::string &notes)
 Appends the given notes to the "notes" subelement of this object. More...
int setNamespaces (LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLNamespaces *xmlns)
 Sets the namespaces relevant of this OMEX object. More...
int unsetMetaId ()
 Unsets the value of the "metaid" attribute of this OMEX object. More...
virtual int unsetId ()
 Unsets the value of the "id" attribute of this OMEX object. More...
int unsetNotes ()
 Unsets the value of the "notes" subelement of this OMEX object. More...
int unsetAnnotation ()
 Unsets the value of the "annotation" subelement of this OMEX object. More...
unsigned int getLevel () const
 Returns the OMEX Level of the CaOmexManifest object containing this object. More...
unsigned int getVersion () const
 Returns the Version within the OMEX Level of the CaOmexManifest object containing this object. More...
virtual int getTypeCode () const
 Returns the libCombine type code for this object. More...
bool hasValidLevelVersionNamespaceCombination ()
 Predicate returning true if this object's level/version and namespace values correspond to a valid OMEX specification. More...
virtual const std::string & getElementName () const =0
 Returns the XML element name of this object. More...
char * toCa ()
 Returns a string consisting of a partial OMEX corresponding to just this object. More...
virtual bool isSetAttribute (const std::string &attributeName) const
virtual int removeFromParentAndDelete ()
 Removes this object from its parent. More...
bool matchesCaNamespaces (const CaBase *sb)
 Returns true if this object's set of XML namespaces are the same as the given object's XML namespaces. More...
bool matchesCaNamespaces (const CaBase *sb) const
 Returns true if this object's set of XML namespaces are the same as the given object's XML namespaces. More...
bool matchesRequiredCaNamespacesForAddition (const CaBase *sb)
 Returns true if this object's set of XML namespaces are a subset of the given object's XML namespaces. More...
bool matchesRequiredCaNamespacesForAddition (const CaBase *sb) const
 Returns true if this object's set of XML namespaces are a subset of the given object's XML namespaces. More...
int setUserData (void *userData)
 Sets the user data of this element. More...
void * getUserData () const
 Returns the user data that has been previously set via setUserData(). More...
bool isSetUserData () const
 Predicate returning true or false depending on whether the user data of this element has been set. More...
int unsetUserData ()
 Unsets the user data of this element. More...
CaErrorLoggetErrorLog ()
 Returns the CaErrorLog used to log errors while reading and validating OMEX. More...


class CaContent

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from CaBase
bool getHasBeenDeleted () const
virtual void setElementText (const std::string &text)
 When overridden allows CaBase elements to use the text included in between the elements tags. More...

Detailed Description

@sbmlbrief{combine} TODO:Definition of the CaListOfCrossRefs class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CaListOfCrossRefs() [1/3]

CaListOfCrossRefs::CaListOfCrossRefs ( )

Creates a new CaListOfCrossRefs instance.

◆ CaListOfCrossRefs() [2/3]

CaListOfCrossRefs::CaListOfCrossRefs ( CaNamespaces omexns)

Creates a new CaListOfCrossRefs using the given CaNamespaces object omexns.

omexnsthe CaNamespaces object.

◆ CaListOfCrossRefs() [3/3]

CaListOfCrossRefs::CaListOfCrossRefs ( const CaListOfCrossRefs orig)

Copy constructor for CaListOfCrossRefs.

origthe CaListOfCrossRefs instance to copy.

◆ ~CaListOfCrossRefs()

virtual CaListOfCrossRefs::~CaListOfCrossRefs ( )

Destructor for CaListOfCrossRefs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCrossRef()

int CaListOfCrossRefs::addCrossRef ( const CaCrossRef ccr)

Adds a copy of the given CaCrossRef to this CaListOfCrossRefs.

ccrthe CaCrossRef object to add.
  • @omexconstant{LIBCOMBINE_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
  • @omexconstant{LIBCOMBINE_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
  • @omexconstant{LIBCOMBINE_INVALID_OBJECT, OperationReturnValues_t}
  • @omexconstant{LIBCOMBINE_LEVEL_MISMATCH, OperationReturnValues_t}
  • @omexconstant{LIBCOMBINE_VERSION_MISMATCH, OperationReturnValues_t}
  • @omexconstant{LIBCOMBINE_PKG_VERSION_MISMATCH, OperationReturnValues_t}
  • @omexconstant{LIBCOMBINE_DUPLICATE_OBJECT_ID, OperationReturnValues_t}
See also
get(const std::string& sid)
get(unsigned int n)
remove(const std::string& sid)
remove(unsigned int n)

◆ clone()

virtual CaListOfCrossRefs * CaListOfCrossRefs::clone ( ) const

Creates and returns a deep copy of this CaListOfCrossRefs object.

a (deep) copy of this CaListOfCrossRefs object.

Reimplemented from CaListOf.

◆ createCrossRef()

CaCrossRef * CaListOfCrossRefs::createCrossRef ( )

◆ get() [1/4]

virtual CaCrossRef * CaListOfCrossRefs::get ( const std::string &  sid)

Get a CaCrossRef from the CaListOfCrossRefs based on its identifier.

sida string representing the identifier of the CaCrossRef to retrieve.
the CaCrossRef in this CaListOfCrossRefs with the given sid or NULL if no such CaCrossRef exists.
See also
addCrossRef(const CaCrossRef* object)
get(unsigned int n)
remove(const std::string& sid)
remove(unsigned int n)

◆ get() [2/4]

virtual const CaCrossRef * CaListOfCrossRefs::get ( const std::string &  sid) const

Get a CaCrossRef from the CaListOfCrossRefs based on its identifier.

sida string representing the identifier of the CaCrossRef to retrieve.
the CaCrossRef in this CaListOfCrossRefs with the given sid or NULL if no such CaCrossRef exists.
See also
addCrossRef(const CaCrossRef* object)
get(unsigned int n)
remove(const std::string& sid)
remove(unsigned int n)

◆ get() [3/4]

virtual CaCrossRef * CaListOfCrossRefs::get ( unsigned int  n)

Get a CaCrossRef from the CaListOfCrossRefs.

nan unsigned int representing the index of the CaCrossRef to retrieve.
the nth CaCrossRef in this CaListOfCrossRefs.
See also
addCrossRef(const CaCrossRef* object)
get(const std::string& sid)
remove(const std::string& sid)
remove(unsigned int n)

Reimplemented from CaListOf.

◆ get() [4/4]

virtual const CaCrossRef * CaListOfCrossRefs::get ( unsigned int  n) const

Get a CaCrossRef from the CaListOfCrossRefs.

nan unsigned int representing the index of the CaCrossRef to retrieve.
the nth CaCrossRef in this CaListOfCrossRefs.
See also
addCrossRef(const CaCrossRef* object)
get(const std::string& sid)
remove(const std::string& sid)
remove(unsigned int n)

Reimplemented from CaListOf.

◆ getElementName()

virtual const std::string & CaListOfCrossRefs::getElementName ( ) const

Returns the XML element name of this CaListOfCrossRefs object.

For CaListOfCrossRefs, the XML element name is always "listOfCrossRefs".

the name of this element, i.e. "listOfCrossRefs".

Reimplemented from CaListOf.

◆ getItemTypeCode()

virtual int CaListOfCrossRefs::getItemTypeCode ( ) const

Returns the libOMEX type code for the OMEX objects contained in this CaListOfCrossRefs object.

the OMEX typecode for the objects contained in this CaListOfCrossRefs: @omexconstant{LIB_COMBINE_CROSSREF, CaTypeCode_t}.
See also

Reimplemented from CaListOf.

◆ getNumCrossRefs()

unsigned int CaListOfCrossRefs::getNumCrossRefs ( ) const

◆ getTypeCode()

virtual int CaListOfCrossRefs::getTypeCode ( ) const

Returns the libCombine type code for this CaListOfCrossRefs object.

the OMEX type code for this object: @omexconstant{OMEX_LIST_OF, CaTypeCode_t}.

Reimplemented from CaListOf.

◆ operator=()

CaListOfCrossRefs & CaListOfCrossRefs::operator= ( const CaListOfCrossRefs rhs)

Assignment operator for CaListOfCrossRefs.

rhsthe CaListOfCrossRefs object whose values are to be used as the basis of the assignment.

◆ remove() [1/2]

virtual CaCrossRef * CaListOfCrossRefs::remove ( const std::string &  sid)

Removes the CaCrossRef from this CaListOfCrossRefs based on its identifier and returns a pointer to it.

sida string representing the identifier of the CaCrossRef to remove.
the CaCrossRef in this CaListOfCrossRefs based on the identifier or NULL if no such CaCrossRef exists.
See also
addCrossRef(const CaCrossRef* object)
get(const std::string& sid)
get(unsigned int n)
remove(unsigned int n)

◆ remove() [2/2]

virtual CaCrossRef * CaListOfCrossRefs::remove ( unsigned int  n)

Removes the nth CaCrossRef from this CaListOfCrossRefs and returns a pointer to it.

nan unsigned int representing the index of the CaCrossRef to remove.
a pointer to the nth CaCrossRef in this CaListOfCrossRefs.
See also
addCrossRef(const CaCrossRef* object)
get(const std::string& sid)
get(unsigned int n)
remove(const std::string& sid)

Reimplemented from CaListOf.